all postcodes in CH5 / DEESIDE

find any address or company within the CH5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH5 4AB 24 0 53.221042 -3.061022
CH5 4AD 20 0 53.221067 -3.061935
CH5 4AE 12 0 53.220157 -3.062423
CH5 4AF 5 0 53.220438 -3.06222
CH5 4AG 20 0 53.221931 -3.064174
CH5 4AJ 13 1 53.222893 -3.067104
CH5 4AL 45 0 53.219725 -3.066591
CH5 4AN 6 0 53.220867 -3.063489
CH5 4AP 5 0 53.219965 -3.064799
CH5 4AQ 27 1 53.222557 -3.065553
CH5 4AR 23 4 53.223604 -3.067794
CH5 4AS 14 3 53.22449 -3.071442
CH5 4AT 9 0 53.219955 -3.062927
CH5 4AU 8 0 53.219632 -3.063863
CH5 4AW 7 0 53.220463 -3.064392
CH5 4AX 7 0 53.222009 -3.063397
CH5 4AY 37 0 53.222572 -3.064849
CH5 4AZ 7 0 53.223214 -3.066363
CH5 4BA 6 0 53.223576 -3.06694
CH5 4BB 22 0 53.223824 -3.071546